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Family and Marriage, Law, Philosophy, Politics, Texas

No “Sharia Law” in Texas

Now, we’re reading rumors on the Internet that Sharia law is valid in Texas. Not so. Instead, Texas Law was upheld by the Second Court of Appeals, back in 2003, confirming that people who sign an Arbitration Agreement are bound by that Agreement.

As usual, the claim is based on half-truths and embellished with lies. A single divorce case was heard, involving an “Islamic marriage certificate.”  It appears to me, a non-lawyer, that everyone in the case signed an arbitration agreement to use a certain set of arbitrators. Later, there were disputes over what “all the disputes” meant. The Appeals Court ruled that “all” means “all.”

About bnuckols

Conservative Christian Family Doctor, promoting conservative news and views. (Hot Air under the right wing!)


2 thoughts on “No “Sharia Law” in Texas

  1. What is the law in TX pertaining to shareia law?

    Posted by Adeena Lawhon | November 16, 2011, 8:34 PM
    • Only Texas law is allowed. If you read the post, the State of Texas requires that adults who sign a contract – even if it’s with an Arbitrator who follows Sharia law, follow through with their contract. The State will enforce the contract, where it is legally binding, if it comes to a State court.

      Posted by bnuckols | November 17, 2011, 2:08 AM

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